Tim Bombard

Tim Bombard

Tim Bombard

Tim Bombard is a Family Nurse Practitioner with 37 years of healthcare experience. In 2001, Tim earned a Master in Science degree from the University of South Florida. Subsequently returning to his New England roots when he moved back to Connecticut in 2002 . As a Nurse Practitioner, Tim has worked in a varieties of areas that include ICU, Emergency Room, Primary Care and Addiction Medicine. Tim believes in the holistic approach to health care and understands the important role that effective communication plays in addiction recovery.

Upon speaking with you, patients are seen within 24 to 48 hours.


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What certification means: LegitScript certification demonstrates that CT Addiciton Medicine complies with LegitScript’s certification standards, which help ensure transparency and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


About LegitScript: LegitScript is the industry leader in merchant and advertiser certification and monitoring in the e-commerce and payment sectors.

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